Picturing Time
Student Work
You can create this project in two ways, pick one. #1 — Find one stranger and photograph them ten times using ten different shutter speeds. #2–Find ten strangers and photograph each one time using the same shutter speed.
Consider these questions as you create your project:
- How does the shutter speed or interval you choose change the way you see the person?
- How visible is time in your image? How does the visibility change with extremely slow or fast shutter speeds?
Find a space you have not explored on campus. Choose a duration and film the space in one long shot.
Consider these questions as you create your project:
- How does the duration of the video change the way we experience the space?
- How does the continuous shot change the way our perspective of the space? How do the choices of camera angle and focus become parts of the film?
Find an event that is advertised on campus and record the event. Create a narrative of the event using nonlinear editing.
Consider these questions as you create your project:
- How does your editing change the narrative?
- How does the timeline of your film compare to the timeline of the recorded footage?
Choose a space on campus that creates an interesting frame. Choose a prop to bring into the space and photograph it 100 times.
Consider these questions as you create your project:
- How does the amount of props you chose to include in the edited image change how we see the stage?
- How does your choice of prop and stage create a narrative ?
Create a photograph, film or animation about a future imagined ritual.
Consider these questions as you create your project:
- Why did you choose your medium?
- How does the materiality of time manifest itself in your piece?