There are several pieces of information that may be helpful as you read my tenure file. The first is that I am on a shortened tenure clock. I was a full Professor with tenure at my previous institution, Mercer County Community College (MCCC), where I taught for eight years. I have provided supporting materials from MCCC, including my annual Division Personnel Committee reviews from my pretenure period, to provide a full picture of my time there. When I requested my materials from MCCC, they were not able to provide my quantitative and qualitative student evaluations, so I have included observation reports from faculty within my division and my annual self-evaluations from throughout my full time at MCCC, which include summaries of and responses to my student evaluations for each year. In order to provide a full picture of my teaching, I have waited three years to apply for tenure so as to be able to include thorough documentation of my work in the classroom at Skidmore.


Because I work in an emerging field, I have also included the Guidelines for Faculty Teaching in New-Media Arts written by the College Art Association, the principal professional organization for artists and art historians, to provide you with context and background regarding my discipline, particularly with relation to evaluating scholarship, teaching, and service for a tenure review.


I have also created a website with digital versions of everything in my tenure binders, as well as examples of assignments and student work from my courses. Because this student work is born digital in nature, it is best viewed in digital form; thus this site is the only place where this material is available. This site also houses my course syllabi—while these documents are also digital in their original form, I have included printed versions in my teaching binder for reference. This site is password-protected to insure student privacy.