Social Network (Sarah Sweeney)
Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2017
4 credits
In this course we will explore interactivity using many different methodologies and ideologies. The course is divided into four sections, with each section introducing an interactive gesture–resize, link, scroll, and mouseover. We will contextualize each gesture by looking at examples that are historical–works by painters, sculptors and installation artists working in the last two centuries–and contemporary–digital experiments by artists and designers exhibited on the web. Through readings and conversations we will work to situate the pieces we are making in the debates and dialogues that have defined the modern web, trying to develop and discern an individual voice to add to the discourse.
We will also invent new experiments and pieces by working with code, specifically HTML, CSS and JQuery. Individually and collaboratively we will create new interactions that challenge, engage and add to the political, theoretical and practical narratives of interactivity. We will not be learning to create web pages that mimic the majority of the web pages you are familiar with–instead we will be working to define the core ideas and principles that govern interaction.